Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Is the paper viewed by all its authors before submission, and is there the authors’
consent for sending the paper to be published in the Journal? - Is the paper written according to the ethical standards?
- Does the paper have a cover page according to the instructions to the authors?
- If the paper is written as a result of a project, is it indicated on the cover page?
If the parts of the results have already been presented to a public, is it indicated on the
cover page? -
If the same sample has already been used for the purposes of another paper or
presentation to a public, is it indicated on the cover page? - Are the secondary sources quoted only if necessary?
- Does at least one author have a license for the used instruments and software?
- Does the paper have less than 32,000 characters (with spaces, without references)?
If the paper contains charts and images, are they presented in a required resolution
(300dpi)? - Are there a title, an abstract, and key words in the English language?
- Are the authors’ affiliations translated into English within the abstract in English?
Author Guidelines
Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad
Style sheet for submissions
The Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad publishes original scientific papers, scientific reviews, and specialised papers in the area of social sciences and humanities. The Review does not accept manuscripts which have been published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere or manuscripts which do not meet scientific criteria. If the work reported on has been presented at a conference or is the result of a scientific project, this information should be acknowledged in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.
The author undertakes to adhere to the scientific and ethical principles and rules during the preparation of the paper in accordance with international standards. By submitting the paper, the author guarantees that all the data in the paper are valid, both research and bibliographical data and citations. Before any review, the papers are examined for plagiarism.
The Review accepts papers by teachers and associates of the Faculty as well as by guest authors from other universities in the country or abroad, invited by the editorial board. The Review accepts manuscripts with up to three co-authors. Authors may submit a single manuscript for publishing, regardless of whether they are the single author or a co-author.
Manuscripts are submitted electronically in .doc or .docx format by uploading them at the journal's webpage ( The webpage requires registration. The submission process includes several steps:
- Session selection and entry of basic submission data
- Document submission: it is necessary to submit the following separately:
- Title page;
- Manuscript containing all figures and illustrations; in addition to
- A separate file with all figures and illustrations (include relevant captions)
- Metadata entry
- the title of the paper in Serbian and English
- the abstract in Serbian and English
- the name(s) of author/all co-authors
- the language of the paper
- supporting institutions (if the paper is a result of a project) in Serbian and English
- references (all the references have to be separated by a blank line).
The deadline for submissions is 10 July of the current year.
- Reviewing
The Review operates blind review, which means that the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. To facilitate this, please remove author information from the text and the file of the manuscript by:
- a) anonymising in-text references to the author's works
- b) anonymising the author's references in the References section
- c) careful file naming in order to hide the name of the author of the file (e.g. File > Check for Issues > Inspect Document > Document Properties and Personal Information > Inspect > Remove All > Close).
Manuscripts are reviewed by two qualified reviewers, one internal reviewer from the Faculty of Philosophy and one external reviewer.
The opinion of the anonymous reviewers and the manuscript with reviewers' comments are sent to the author for revision, which should be completed within five days. If a reviewer determines that the paper contains mistakes in spelling, grammar and style, the paper is sent back to the author for proofreading. The revised version of the paper is sent to the reviewer for inspection, who then decides whether the changes made are appropriate and whether the manuscript is suitable for publishing. After that, the editorial board makes the decision on publishing.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will be sent to authors within no less than three months after submission. The deadline for publishing accepted manuscripts is 12 months after the submission of the final version of the paper. The author undertakes to edit the paper within 5 days if required.
- Language
The Review publishes manuscripts in all languages studied at the Faculty of Philosophy (Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Ruthenian, Russian, German, English and French) and in Latin script. Manuscripts written in Russian are printed in Cyrillic but should nevertheless have references in Latin (due to the requirements of international journal indexing databases), with a bracketed note indicating that the bibliographical unit is published in Cyrillic.
- Text formatting
Manuscripts are written in Microsoft Word, in Times New Roman font. The font size for the base text is 12 (except for blocks of citations, i.e. citations of over 40 words, where the font size is 11). Line spacing in base text is 1.5. Indent the first line of each new paragraph (Paragraph/Indentation/Special:_First line 1,5 cm), and justify the text. Avoid dividing words at the end of lines. Adjust paper size to A4 and insert page numbers.
Footnotes are written using Arabic numbers, starting from 1 (except for the footnotes linked to the name of the first author and the title of the paper, for which asterisks should be used). The font size for footnotes is 10.
Graphics should be black and white and edited in the source format. Their size and complexity should be adjusted to the format of the journal so that every element can be clearly seen.
Manuscripts which do not meet the formal criteria listed will be rejected without review.
- Title page
The title page of every paper should contain the name(s) of the author(s) with their affiliation in the upper left corner, followed by the full title of the paper, centred and in uppercase letters, followed by the total number of characters in the text (including footnotes and references) and two footnotes marked with an asterisk (*, **). The asterisk (*) after the name of the single or the first author refers to the first footnote at the bottom of the page containing the (first) author's e-mail address. The double asterisk (**) is added after the title of the paper and refers to the second footnote, which should indicate the name and number of the project within which the research was carried out, acknowledgements, a note that the paper has been presented at a conference, etc. The title page should be directly followed by the first page of the text, which contains the identical title of the paper and all the other elements.
- Article structure
The manuscript submitted for publishing should contain the following elements: the first and last name of the author(s), abstract, keywords, the text of the paper, summary and scientific methods (in the order given here).
An original scientific paper clearly presents the scientific context of the issue addressed in the paper, with an overview of relevant results of previous research, a description of the corpus the research is based on, the methodology applied and the research objectives, followed by the analysis of the data and a conclusion in which the results of the research are clearly presented.
A review paper offers a comprehensive critical overview of published research available on a topic, searches for the answer to a particular question in the existing literature or compares and combines the findings of previously published studies. It reflects the author's attitudes, which should have on a sound scientific basis.
A professional paper should present the results of applied research, rather than fundamental research. It should focus on the practical application of science, i.e. on using and spreading accumulated theories, knowledge, methods and techniques. In addition to the theoretical, retrospective and explanatory section, submissions of this type should contain an analytical and experimental section in which a solution is offered for the problem presented or the hypotheses proposed are tested. Such articles should also contain a section offering potential solutions to the questions addressed in the paper.
- The title of the paper
The title should describe the contents of the article in the best possible way, using words suitable for database indexing and search. If there are no such words in the title, it is preferable to add a subtitle.
- Abstract and keywords, summary
The abstract should immediately follow the title of the paper and precede the base text of the paper. It is a brief informative review of the contents of the article, enabling the readers to quickly and accurately estimate its relevance. The abstract should be in the language of the base text and one paragraph long, no longer than 200 words, with font size 10 and single line spacing. The first line of the abstract is indented, as in the base text of the paper. The abstract contains of the objective of the research, methods, results and conclusions. It is in the author's interest for the abstract to contain the terms often used for article indexing and search. Right below the abstract, introduced by the phrase Key words, there should be a list of five to ten keywords (the words most suitable to describe the contents of the article for the purposes of indexing and search).
The summary in English is placed after the base text and before the references, using font size 10 and single spacing. The first line of every paragraph is indented at 1.5 cm. The title of the summary in English is in uppercase letters and centred. The summary is a brief presentation of the problem, objective, methodology and results of the scientific research, in no more than 500 words. The summary cannot be a translation of the abstract at the beginning of the paper, but a more elaborate and differently phrased text. The summary is followed by a list of key words in English (up to 10 words).
If the paper is written in a foreign language, the summary is in Serbian, and if the paper is written in Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian or Ruthenian, in addition to the summary in English, a summary in Serbian should also be provided.
- The length of the text
The minimum length of the paper is 20 000 characters, while the maximum is 32 000, including the abstract, summary and references. Manuscripts which do not meet the proposed criteria will not be taken into consideration.
- The base text of the paper
The base text font size is 12. Headings are centred and in uppercase letters, while subheadings are in italics and indented at 1.5 cm, as in the case of the first line of a new paragraph.
Tables and graphs should be in Word format. Every table should be numbered and supplied with an appropriate caption. The number and the caption are placed above the table/graph.
Footnotes should be printed in Arabic numerals and they should offer only personal comments by the author. Their font size is 10.
Abbreviations should be avoided, except for the most typical ones. All abbreviations given in tables and graphs should be explained. The explanation (legend) is given below the table or image.
- Citing references within the text
Citations are given under double quotation marks in accordance with the orthography of the language of the manuscript („...” for papers in Serbian). Citations within other citations are given under single quotation marks (‘...’). The source used is listed within the text by placing the items in brackets (Last name of the author, year of publishing, the number of the page where the citation is found) and separating them with a comma and a colon (Bugarski, 1998: 24). The cited sources are sentence-final, placed immediately before the full stop.
If the citation mentioned in the text contains more than 40 words, quotation marks are not used, but the citation is written in a special block; for such citations, the left margin (Paragraph/Indentation/Left) is indented at 1.5 cm, and the font size is 11. The source is given in brackets at the end of the citation. The spacing before and after a citation block (Paragraph/Spacing/Before and After) is 6pt.
When referring to a paper by 3–5 authors, one should list all the authors the first time such a source is cited (Rokai–Đere–Pal, & Kasaš, 2002). When mentioning the same source again, only the first author should be given with the abbreviation “i dr.” (if the paper is in Serbian) or “et al” (if the paper is in any other language): (Rokai et al., 1982).
If a cited paper has 6 or more authors, only the first author should be mentioned with the abbreviation “i dr.” (if the paper is in Serbian) or “et al” (if the paper is in any other language).
When citing a source without page numbers (most often in the case of electronic sources) the author should write either the paragraph number or the section title with the paragraph number: (Bogdanović, 2000, para. 5), (Johnson, 2000, Conclusion section, para. 1).
If a paper contains two or three references by the same author from the same year, the year item should be followed by the letters “a”, “b” etc. (Торма, 2000а) (Торма, 2000б). Works by the same author are listed chronologically: (Halle, 1959; 1962).
When referring to several studies by several authors, the items should be separated by semi-colons (From, 2003; Nastović, 2008). Such works are also listed chronologically.
The reference list includes only the sources cited in the body of the paper. Authors’ last names are ordered according to Latin alphabet. The reference list is printed in Latin script. For references which were originally published in Cyrillic script a note should be added in parentheses stating this. The font size for references is 12, and the indentation is Hanging at 1.5, as in the following examples:
- Books (printed sources)
- Books with a single author
Lukić, R. (2010). Revizija u bankama. Beograd: Centar za izdavačku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu.
If there are several references with the same first author, single-authored works should be listed first and chronologically in ascending order. Co-authored papers are ordered alphabetically based on the name of the second author.
- Co-authored books
For co-authored books, the names of all authors should be listed with an ampersand before the last author's name („&”). If there are more than seven authors, only the first six are listed, followed by an ellipsis („ ...”) and the name of the last author:
Đorđević, S.–Mitić, M. (2000). Diplomatsko i konzularno pravo. Beograd: Službeni list SRJ.
Rokai, P.–Đere, Z.–Pal, T. & Kasaš, A. (2002). Istorija Mađara. Beograd: Clio.
- Edited volumes, books of proceedings
For books of conference proceedings and edited volumes the editor is listed as the author by writing his last name, first name initial letter and “ured.” or “prir.” in brackets for books in Serbian or “ed.” for books in other languages.
Đurković, M. (ured.) (2007). Srbija 2000-2006: država, društvo, privreda. Beograd: Institut za evropske studije.
- Articles in books of proceedings
Radović, Z. (2007). Donošenje ustava. U: Đurković, M. (ured.) (2007). Srbija 2000–2006: država, društvo, privreda. Beograd: Institut za evropske studije. 27–38.
- Articles in scientific journals
Đurić, S. (2010). Kontrola kvaliteta kvalitativnih istraživanja. Sociološki pregled, 44, 485–502.
- Articles in magazines
Articles in magazines are cited in the list of references in the same manner as articles in scientific journals, with an exception of including the information on the month (if published monthly) and/or day of publication (if published weekly).
Bubnjević, S. (2009, decembar). Skriveni keltski tragovi. National Geographic Srbija, 38, 110–117.
- Articles in newspapers
These sources should also include the information on the year, month and day for both daily and weekly newspapers. The page number should include the abbreviation “str.” (for newspapers in Serbian) or “p.” (for newspapers in other languages).
Mišić, M. (1. feb. 2012). Ju-Es stil smanjio gubitke. Politika, str. 11.
In case the author of the article is not mentioned:
Straževica gotova za dva meseca. (1. feb. 2012). Politika, str. 10.
- Online sources
The DOI should be included if possible. It should be provided at the end of the reference, without a full stop. If the DOI is unavailable, the URL of the source should be provided instead.
Articles from online scientific journals
Stankov, S. (2006). Phylogenetic inference from homologous sequence data: minimum topological assumption, strict mutational compatibility consensus tree as the ultimate solution. Biology Direct, 1. doi:10.1186/1745-6150-1-5
If the DOI is not available for the article, the URL can be used instead:
Stankov, S. (2006). Phylogenetic inference from homologous sequence data: minimum topological assumption, strict mutational compatibility consensus tree as the ultimate solution. Biology Direct, 1. Available at http://www.biology-direct. com/content/1/1/5
- E-books
When referring to books or book chapters which are only available online, the data on the publisher and place of publishing should be replaced with the data on the electronic source:
Milone, E. F.–Wilson, W. J. F. (2008). Solar system astrophysics: background science and the inner solar system [SpringerLink version]. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-73155-1
- Website
The information on the year refers to the date the site is created, copied or last modified.
Kraizer, S. (2005). Safe child. Preuzeto 29. februara 2008, sa http://www.safechild. org/
Penn State Myths. (2006). Available at ur/about/myths.html (2011, December 6)
- Pages within websites:
Global warming solutions. (2007, May 21). U: Union of Concerned Scientists. Available at /solutions (2008, February 29)
Blogs and wikis:
Jeremiah, D. (2007, September 29). The right mindset for success in business and personal life [Web log message]. Preuzeto sa
Happiness. (n.d.). U: Psychwiki. Available at (2009, December 7)
- Video posts (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
The reference should contain the first and last name of the author (if the information is available) or the pseudonym the author used (usually found after “uploaded by” or “from”).
Triplexity. (1. avgust 2009). Viruses as bionanotechnology (how a virus works) [video]. Preuzeto sa
- Unpublished papers
When referring to conference abstracts, unpublished PhD theses, etc., the information provided should be as complete as possible.
Smederevac, S. (2000). Istraživanje faktorske strukture ličnosti na osnovu leksičkih opisa ličnosti u srpskom jeziku (Nepublikovana doktorska disertacija). Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad.
Manuscripts are listed according to the author's name or the title in case the author is unknown. If the manuscript has no title, it should be titled by the author of the submission. The title is followed by the date the text was created, the place and the name of the institution which stores the manuscript, together with its signature mark and foliation.
Editorial board of the Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy of Novi Sad