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Željko V. Kaluderovic


In the paper the author found that Aristotle, while looking for a guiding principle of the whole of the previous thought, postulated the interpretative form for understanding of the thought range of his own predecessors in a special learning about the causes. In fact, the doctrine of the material, formal, efficient and final causes represents a mode by which Aristotle performed a conceptual systematization of predecessors as shown in the first book of Metaphysics, and at the same time exposed himself, even with some reservations, as the first historian of metaphysics, and even of philosophy as a whole. The conclusion that the author drew after a detailed analysis of Corpus Aristotelicum, in conjunction with the first manifestation of the causes in the first theologians and physicists, that the Stagirites’ predecessors had not discovered any a new cause that was not already been mentioned in his Physics. Moreover, the four causes which Aristotle postulated in his metaphysical considerations, were known by earlier thinkers, but according to him, only vaguely and unawaringly.


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Kaluderovic, Željko V. (2015). THEOLOGIANS, PHYSICISTS AND CAUSES. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 40(2), 209–222. Retrieved from


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