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Collection Podocataro was named after Ludovico Podocataru, personal doctor of Rodrigo Borgia, who was also for a while the possessor of Petrovaradin (Novi Sad). He kept his most im- portant documents deposited with Podocataro, thus also those relating to Petrovaradin. Podocataro transferred them to Venice. After his death, they came into the ownership of the Venetian state, which carried out the division of the collection. Documents more important from the political aspect were stored in the Venetian archives, whereas the latter were ceded to the famous Bibli- otheca Marciana. Until these days, historians of Novi Sad were not aware of this fact and during their research stated the one or the other part of this collection. In a span of two decades (1990-2012), co-authors of this paper, had an opportunity to gain on-site access to this collection and state that it has not been fully utilized, and thus this time here they publish a letter significant for the his- tory of Petrovaradin.
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