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This paper analyzes the problem of discrimination against the LGBT population in Serbia, and aspects of discrimination against this minority group. Discrimination against LGBT people in this paper is seen as formal, informal and structural. Formal discrimination is considered to be one that occurs within the state or other institutions (health, education, education), followed by discrimination by right-wing organizations, government officials and the Serbian Orthodox Church clergy, while the informal discrimination refers to the existence of verbal, social, physical or psychological violence, that is, every non-institutional violation of personal integrity in everyday life. Structural discrimination refers to the social context and best reflects the social status of the LGBT population in Serbia. The conclusion is that to improve the situation of LGBT people in society is not enough only the existence of satisfactory legal acts and formal legal equality. In the Serbian society, structural discrimination occurs as the biggest problem, and there are therefore necessary deeper structural changes at the level of everyday life. To overcome, diversity must be recognized and displayed. The introduction of structural changes is especially important in the field of education (i.e. a queer inclusion), in order to accept an affirmative view of the LGBT population. The main change strategies should be aimed at raising awareness through formal and informal education channels.
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