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Vladimir Barović


The paper analyzes the newspaper which represents the first local weekly tabloid in the interwar history of Novi Sad journalism. In this paper, we have presented the thematic diversity of the media which dealt with urban topics, scandals, sensational news, prostitution, corruption, crime, sports and on the other hand sections dealing with satire and jokes. A group of Novi Sad's journalists led by Velislav Spasic gathered in the editorial office of this certain media. The analyzed media in it's structure had a lot of local news, comments, dashboards, gossip and editorial articles. By analyzing the media discourse, it can be established that journalists of this media were led by tabloid belief that interest and sensationalism are more important than the public interest. Due to the texts in which are attacking personalities, the editorial board has repeatedly received serious threats. "Savremeni Novi Sad" is characterized by excellent caricatures, a small number of photographs and modest graphics possibilities. As a tabloid, the paper played a certain role in the interwar journalist in Serbian language, because it is a chronicler of various local scandalous events and processes that are going beyond the framework of the standard political and economic history of Novi Sad.


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How to Cite
Barović, V. (2018). "SAVREMENI NOVI SAD"- INTERWAR LOCAL WEEKLY TABLOID. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 42(2), 119–133. https://doi.org/10.19090/gff.2017.2.119-133
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