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Abstract: The subject of the research was the general census of the population of Hungary from 1910, with the aim to show the basic demographic characteristics of the population based on the results of the census. The fact that this is the last Hungarian census before its disintegration in 1920 makes it particularly valuable. The census was carried out simultaneously throughout Austria. The author paid special attention to the territories of today's Vojvodina. During the study, the detailed results of the census for Hungary, data for Austrian crown lands, as well as relevant professional literature were used. The census reflects Hungary in the development, with population growth, with dynamic migratory movements, an increasingly prominent urbanization process, the strengthening of civic elements of society and the process of industrialization, the growth of the educational level, certain changes in the ethnic structure, and the like. In addition, the phenomenon that worried the contemporaries was noticed: a strong economic migration, mainly to the USA; the growth of the number of families with one child - that is, a decrease in birth rates compared to previous times. Census from 1910 is an extraordinary valuable historical source for studying the demographic, social and economic history of Vojvodina and Hungary during the period of dualism (1867-1918).
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