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Every literature has its own beginning and directions with which it manifests and unites poets and prose writers based on specific literary characteristics. Each literary direction has its own program or a manifest published in the first issue of the magazine that promotes his ideology. Regarding Romanian literature from Vojvodina, literary historians fixed it's beginings, starting with the fifth decade of the last century, the appearance of the first literary magazine in the region. Literary historians do not talk about the existence of Romanian novels in Vojvodina before 1945th. Starting with the ideas of the literary historians, by publishing the first chapters of novels in cultural magazines of Vojvodina of the 50's, is considered as the beginning of the Romanian novel in Vojvodina. In this paper we will try to make a division of the Romanian novel in Vojvodina for the first time and to point out the most important topics and motives in the development of the novel, characteristic for the Romanian rural area of Banat.
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