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This paper deals with the prototipical designation of categorization, where a protype aproach means particular way of tryig to answers the following questions: whether X is anything but Y; is X in absolutely Y; whether X is in the most convenient way Y. The analyse is done on the example of adjective čist (pure) as of one type of designation at the micro and macro context in descriptive dictionaries of Serbian and the electronic Corpus of contemporary Serbian. The main ame is to identify semantic classification of detirmated nouns according to basic semantics properties [+/- animacy] and [+/- concrete]. Furthermore, in the case of abstract nouns, this prototypical designation is on of valuable tool to see if some properties of nouns are intensificate according to up or down. Since the topic of this article is mainly semantic of abstract nouns in combination with adjecive čist (pure), the researching is based on conceptual and collocational methodes. Except of that, in the focus of the paper is phenomenon of unequal efect, which means that such designations may have different realisations in context with various nouns.
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