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Summary: The author examines the impact of early romanticism on the aesthetics of German idealism and the consequences of this impact on German idealism in general. The relation of romanticism to the philosophical writings of Kant, Schiller, Fihte, Schelling and Hegel will be shown in the field of aesthetics, but also through its consequences to philosophy in general. Through the idea of irony we can see the romanticist approach towards the fundamental philosophical ideas of that era, which are not finished in domain of aesthetics and art, but pretend to confront with both theoretical and practical ideas of German idealism.
Key words: aesthetics, German idealism, irony, Novalis, romanticism, Schlegel.
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Benjamin, W. (1920). Der Begriff der Kunstkritik in der deutscher Romantik, Bern: A. Francke Verlag. 22-24.
Bowie, A. (2003). Aesthetics and subjectivity: from Kant to Nietzsche, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. 63-90.
Bubner, R. (2003). The Innovations of Idealism, Cambridge University Press. 214-220.
Burger, H. (1979). Filozofija tehnike, Zagreb: Naprijed. 84-88.
Comay, R. (2011). Mourning Sickness, Hegel and the French Revolution, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Frank, M. (1989). Einführung in die frühromantische Ästhetik. Vorlesungen, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. 114-173.
Garsija, H. H. E. (2002). Filozofija i njena istorija, Beograd: Filip Višnjić. 233-235.
Gilbert, K. E., Kun, H. (2004). Istorija estetike, Beograd: Dereta.
Grlić, D. (1983). Estetika, Zagreb: Naprijed.
Hegel, G. V. F. (1970). Estetika, Kultura, Beograd: Kultura.
Hölderlin, F. (1984). Sämtliche Werke: Kritische Textausgabe. Ed. D.E. Sattler. 20 vols, Darmstadt und Neuwied, vol. 14. 21-43.
Janjion, M. (1976). Romantizam, revolucija, marksizam, Beograd: Nolit. 33-35.
Kasirer. E. (2006). Kant – život i učenje, Beograd: Hinaki. 322-324.
Kordić, I. (1988). U: Filozofija njemačkog idealizma - Hrestomatija, prir. Barbarić, D., Zagreb: Školska knjiga. 497-498.
Kroče, B. (1934). Estetika, Beograd: Zograf. 379-380.
Luther, T. C. (2009). Hegel’s Critique of Modernity, Reconciling Individual Freedom and the Community, Plymouth: Lexington Books. 31-40.
Man, P. (1996). Aesthetic Ideology, Regents of the University of Minnesota. 180-184.
Norman, J. (2008). „The work of art in German Romanticism", U: Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus - International Yearbook of German Idealism, hg. v.
Karl P. Ameriks, Jürgen Stolzenberg und Fred Rush, Berlin und New York: de Gruyter. 59-61.
Novalis (2003). Fichte Studies, Edited by Jane Kneller, Cambridge University Press.
Novalis (2005). Werke, Tagebücher und Briefe/Novalis, Bd 1, München, Wien: Hanser.
Oelmüeller, W. (1983). „Hegelov stav o kraju umetnosti i problem filozofije umetnosti posle Hegela“, U: Polja 292-293/1983. 274-275.
Pejović, D. (1965). Pogovor, U: Schelling, F. W. J., Sistem transcendentalnog idealizma, Zagreb: Naprijed. 341-344.
Perović, M. A. (2014). Filozofski brevijar, Novi Sad: Biblioteka ARHE, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad. 50-55.
Petrović, S.(1972). Negativna estetika, Niš: Gradina. 241-248.
Pinkard, T. (2002). German Philosophy 1760-1860, The Legacy of Idealism, Cambridge University Press. 135-137.
Posavec, Z. (1995). Sloboda i politika, Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo. 162-164.
Pöggeler, O. (1999). Hegels Kritik der Romantik, München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Prole, D. (2009). Pogovor, U: Šeling, F. V. J., Prvi nacrt sistema filozofije prirode, Sremski Karlovci – Novi Sad: Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića. 402-408.
Ruda, F. (2009). Hegels Pöbel, Eine Untersuchung der „Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts“, Konstanz University Press. 185-187.
Schlegel, F. (1967). Kritische Fragmente, First Department: Critical New Edition, Volume 2, Munich, Paderborn, Vienna, Zurich 1967, pp. 147-164. Preuzeto sa: http://www.zeno.org/Literatur/M/Schlegel,+Friedrich/Fragmentensammlungen/Kritische+Fragmente, 07.04.2018.
Schutjer, K. (2001). „Hölderlin's Aesthetic Letters“, U: Narrating Community after Kant: Schiller, Goethe, Hölderlin, Detroit: Wayne State U.P. 170-173.
Šeling, F. V. J. (1998). Filozofija slobode, Beograd: Plato. 140-144.