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Đurđa Grijak


The aim of the research was to determine whether there is a connection between the authenticity of a parent and his/her authenticity in relationship, the length of marriage, the number of children, the average age of the children, the satisfaction with relationship and the satisfaction with partner’s support. The sample consisted of 32 married couples who were parents (N = 64). It was researched the authenticity of parents and their authenticity in relationship. The results show that parents who has younger children and are more satisfied with relationship and partner's support, will live in accordance with reality (high Authentic life) and will freely, openly and naturally show their emotions, thoughts and needs to their partners (Authenticity in relationship). Also, the results show that parents are less authentic in realtionship if they accept external influence and convince theirselves that all wishes and valuables froma other people are their own (high Self-alienation). The results also show that the authenticity of the parents is not related to either the length of marriage or the number of their children. A parent who thinks, but does not feel connected with his/her values, can express this through "I do not really know myself" (Rogers, 1961), which can also be reflected in the parental role. A child of such a parent begins to suppress its own authenticity yet in childhood and though can grow into an inauthentic adult with a sense of emptiness. Authenticity of the parent as a person and his/her authenticity in a relationship are interwoven with each other, which confirms the research that showed that the authentic behavior of the individual is usual in the context of emotionally significant relationships (families, partners, close friends) indicating that readiness for being authentic could be a key factor of close relationships in which people strive for mutual exchange and assessment of authenticity (Lopez & Rice, 2006; Grijak, 2018). This research has shown that the authenticity of parents changes with the growing of children, which can confirm that authenticity is a dynamic process in which personal potentials, traits, emotions, motives, and other discover, explore, accept, interweave with meaning and meaning, and realize (Rogers, 1961). Only a parent who knows how to balance the expression of own thoughts, emotions, motives and wishes with the demands of the environment and does not ignore them, does not suppress or substitute for socially desirable behaviors, will also know how to nurture a happy, free and confident child.


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