Possibilities of Developing Analytical-synthetic Thinking of Students Using a System of Didactic Games
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The paper presents the results of the experimental application of the didactic games system with the students of the first grade of the primary school. The problem of the research was to examine whether and to what extent the process of the application of didactic games can influence the development of analytical-synthetic thinking of students. The aim of the research is defined as the possibility of encouraging the development of analytical-synthetic thinking of students, using a system of didactic games. The study involved the use of a parallel-group experiment on a sample of 163 primary school pupils (6.5-7.5 years). After the initial examination of the students of the control and experimental group in order to determine whether the students were equal in terms of the level of analytical-synthetic thinking, a system of didactic games as a specific working procedure was introduced into the experimental group. The control group students followed the teaching contents in the usual way. The applied instrument is the Kohs block design test, which measures the analytical-synthetic ability of thinking. The results of the study showed that the didactic games system did not significantly affect the ability of the analytical-synthetic thinking of students on a given sample, as there was no statistically significant difference between the students of the control and experimental group in the final study. However, we also noticed certain positive effects of the applied procedure in the students of the experimental group such as: positive and cooperative atmosphere in class, student satisfaction, high motivation for work, richer communication among pupils, etc. For these reasons, we think that it is necessary to consider the application of the game in the realization of the teaching contents, especially in the younger grades of the primary school.
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