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The paper is on the research of impact of physiognomic theories on the dependence of person’s character on his outer appearance in the characterization of protagonists in short stories by Janko Polić Kamov. In Croatian literary realism there is a significant number of examples in which the personality of a main character is shaped according to his physical appearance. Prose works of prominent representatives of Croatian literary realism followed the pattern of characterization in line with the physical appearance of a character with a particular focus on his nose. In the examples of characterization of protagonists in Kamov’s prose it is noticeable that there is an unavoidable relationship between character’s nose and his human values and conduct. In accordance with the accomplishments of previous researches on the impact of physiognomic theories on attitudes expressed in the essays by Janko Polić Kamov, in this paper the research is extended to his short stories to determine more precisely his view on modernist literature. It is concluded in the paper that Kamov often motivates behavior of a character and his value judgments according to his outer appearance and that in a short story written by Kamov at the end of his life he departs from characterization that puts an equation between physical and ethical. Abandoning the process of equalizing physical and ethical is accompanied with a strong irony, as well as an inner crisis of the main protagonist of the short story Bitanga (The Scamp). The failure of physiognomic theory to serve to a self-analysis confirms it is not trustworthy in advocating a strong causality between physical and moral, but it also confirms an assumption that Kamov is an author who did not manage to avoid contradictions of modernist literature.
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