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This article is an attempt to provide an analysis of alternative names of the female sexual organ in French and Serbian with the aim to show all the similarities and differences that occur at the lexico-semantic level. Starting from the postulates of semantic and conceptual analyses as well as from Guiraud’s (1995) classification of obscene lexical units, our corpus comprises forms of polysemy that induce the meaning of alternative names (metaphorical relations based on form, function, color and schemes of collective expression; metonymic relations based on part vs. all) and the types of conceptual metaphors based on which the female sexual organ is conceptualized as a building, a place, an animal, a plant or a geographic space.
The corpus of our research has been compiled based on the French and Serbian dictionaries of obscene words by Pierre Guiraud (1995), Alfred Delvau (1997), Robert Édouard (2004), Danko Šipka (2011), Petrit Imami (2007), as well as the dictionaries of slang by Abdelkarim Tengour (2013), Dragoslav Andrić (1976) and Borivoje Gerzić (2010).
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