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During World War II in France some poets considered themselves to have a significant social role and became porte-paroles of the oppressed. They took part in hand-to-hand fight, but also with a pencil in hand, raising their voices to declare their faith in freedom and show that their patriotic verses could become a deadly weapon against the Nazi occupation and the suffering of the people. The poets therefore became messengers of peace and hope, and the fighters memorized their poems or distributed them legally or secretly. But it’s possible to look at things from a different angle: there were a number of poets who refused any literary engagement, as was the case with the former Surrealists, then there were poets engaged on the side of the Collaboration, and there were those who refused to or even they couldn’t publish their works under the Occupation for various reasons: material, moral or other. This paper deals with this topic, which is in fact very large and complex, taking into account the limitations of the article.
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