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Đorđe Despić


The paper examines Gordić's overall reflective prose poetry and analytically draws attention to some of the most important artistic features of this opus. In that sense, a special focus is on fragmentarity and nonlinearity in the narrative process, on a specific technique of self-talk, on some problematic aspects that mostly occupy the subject of this prose, such as the process of self-knowledge, marginal and central positions in life, death and nature, as well as the genre instability of the text, since the features of diary, autobiographical, essayistic, narrative, poetic, introspective discourse are constantly present in it, which makes this prose diverse and dynamic. Also, the analytical approach to this opus will aim to point out not only some prominent creative and aesthetic aspects of each book individually, but also to point out the poetic continuity of Gordić's artistic achievements based on them.


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How to Cite
Despić, Đorđe . (2022). ON SLAVKO GORDIĆ’S REFLECTIVE PROSE POETRY. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 47(1), 187–201. https://doi.org/10.19090/gff.2022.1.187-201
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