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Christian Eccher


In this work we will analyze the theatrical work of the director and actor Pippo Delbono, who has been riding the theater scene not only in Italy but also worldwide for thirty years. We will focus above all on one of the last shows, “La Gioia”, which encloses and summarizes many of the typical motifs loved by the Genoese artist. We will not neglect film production either, and in particular his film “War”. For having worked with disabled actors and people on the margins of society, Delbono’s theater has been defined by many critics as “social”. We will demonstrate that Delbono’s is simply theatre, which has nothing to do with the integration of the most disadvantaged people: on stage and in the audience, in fact, we are all the same: actors and spectators, that is, human beings.


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How to Cite
Eccher, C. . (2024). PIPPO DELBONO’S THEATER. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 49(3), 206–218. https://doi.org/10.19090/gff.v49i3.2474
Италијански језик, књижевност, историја и култура
Author Biography

Christian Eccher

Università di Novi Sad
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia


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