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The paper deals with the analysis of Serbian and Italian phraseology, which were observed with the help of comparative analysis. The paper consists of 34 phraseological units containing the lexeme сунце / il sole. Phraseologisms that are studied are established, predetermined language units with complete semantic content and distinct expressiveness, and the paper contains only phraseologisms in a narrower sense. Phraseologisms in both languages represent a composition of several words that define a certain situation, fact or event. Observing the cultural aspect, the Sun is seen in phraseology from the point of view of a people. The picture of the reality of these languages and the conceptualization of the world is presented. The work also includes comparative and linguistic and cultural analysis. The aim of the paper is to determine the degree of similarity and difference in terms of phraseology in the Italian and Serbian languages. Comparative analysis serves to determine the degree of structural-semantic equivalence. Differences on the phraseological level can be seen by taking into account genetic affinity, cultural heritage and cultural-linguistic contacts. With this work, we want to point out what are the similarities and what are the differences when it comes to the perception of the Sun, and thereby show the cultural and linguistic similarities and differences in the Serbian and Italian languages. Тhe paper shows that there is a semantic similarity in phraseology containing the lexeme sun. Тhe cultural aspect is shown, which proves that people had the same view of the sun and that it represented the source of life, and because of this, there is a great similarity and a large number of phraseology in these two languages.
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