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In this work we pay attention to the Italian-Hungarian bilingual high schools Kodály Zoltán in Pécs, Szent László in Kőbánya, Xántus János in Budapest and Csokonai Vitéz Mihály in Debrecen. The aim of the present study is to examine − through statistical analysis − the results achieved in the subject of History made in Italian at the State Examination at intermediate level (N=295) concerning the period of the school years 2011/2012-2020/2021. The innovation of Hungarian education policy in the 1980s was the introduction of bilingual education, which is so far the most suitable training for vehicular teaching. In this study, we frame the subject of History by focusing first on the two eras of bilingual teaching, that is, the period before the world wars and the post-war period. We touch on the topic of Content and Language Integrated Learning, in the light of which we recall some research related to the subject of History. In short, we present the graduation exam and conclude the essay with our research conducted on the subject.
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Decreto n. 4/2013 (I. 11.)
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