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The main objective of this paper is to present the latest tendencies of Spanish literature, paying attention to the so-called Generation Nocilla, which is also referred to as Generation Afterpop or Mutant. The poetics of the writers who are gathered within this framework relates to the experiments with new modalities and forms of narration, supported by the aspects of the cyber culture, virtual reality and digitalization. Entwining the literature with the phenomenology of the screen, the transformative and mutating character of their works is underlined. Therefore, it is suggested that the works of this generation represent a current of freshness for the Spanish contemporary literature, and an opposition to the traditional realistic approaches to writing, and hence the poetic renovation in the Hispanic area. For the investigation of the poetics of the “Spanish Mutants”, this paper will focus on the selected works of the most significant literary critics about this topic, as well as on the essays, papers and articles written by writers of the mutant generation such as Vicente Luis Mora, Agustín Fernández Mallo, Germán Sierra, Juan Francisco Ferré o Eloy Fernández Porta. We will tend to maintain a transmedial perspective due to the fact that their narrative poetics encompass different dimensions of the human existence in the realm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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