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Ilija Milovanović


Given that psychology is a humanistic science and a helping profession, we can say that ethical questions are the basis of an adequatelly designed psychological research. If we add in the interdisciplinarity of psychology, as well as the steady progress of scientific accomplishments that are used in psychology, we can establish the necessity of continuous checks of the nature of research by the ethics committees. Research with particular populations, such as with kids who are using relatively problematic substances – enhancer medicaments, for example - in the prevention or treatment of certain maladaptive phenomena in the domain of psychological functioning, require a stricter control by the ethics committees. Expansion of production of medicaments used in the treatment of children who are beyond the pathological functioning makes this area even more problematic. This paper describes the conceptual framework of the problems of applying enhancer medicaments in the population of children with typical development, describes the arguments for and against the use of enhancers in this particular population, and, from the perspective of psychology, discusses the consequences of excesive medicament use in situations where they are not necessary. In the last part of the paper we analyze the possibilities and obligations of the psychologist as an expert in working with children who consume medicaments in order to improve their own cognitive and emotional performances that are already functioning at an optimal level.


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Ilija Milovanović

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu


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