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The goal of the research was to explore the extent to which stressful life events, availability of informal psychological support and coping strategies contribute to readiness of women in Serbia to look for the professional psychological help. The data were collected from the sample consisting of 2206 women aged from 19 to 76, with different sociodemographic characteristics, which were statistically controlled in the research. The intention for the professional help seeking was operationalised by inquiring about past experience and plans for support seeking in the future (Šakotić-Kurbalija, 2011). The Survey of Life Events (Bradbury, 1990; modified by Šakotić-Kurbalija, 2011) was used for registering stressful life events and the Brief COPE (Carver, 1997) for exploring coping strategies. The following sociodemographic data were collected using a questionnaire: age, employment status, subjective assessment of monthly income of the family, educational level, birth order, number of children in the family and number of family members. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that predictors and the criterion are in correlation which is statistically significant, but the amount of the variance explained is relatively low. Significant predictors of intention for the professional help seeking were: number of stressful events in the past year, proneness for substance abuse, tendency for seeking instrumental support, educational level and religiousness. Denial was also significant predictor, but the correlation was negative. A small correlation with the criterion is registered for absence of informal psychological support, amount of positive stress, monthly income and age.
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