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Јелена М. Шакотић-Курбалија
Биљана Трифуновић


Different factors have an influence on which coping strategies are used under different conditions, among others, sex. Sex differences are consistently reported in the coping literatures, but in our country little attention has been given to examining possible distinctions in coping strategies, especially in marital context, so the purpose of this study was to examine sex differences in coping strategies among marital partners. Data were collected among 446 married couples between 17 and 81 years old (M = 40,85, SD = 11,48) with different sociodemographic characteristics (education, employment and socioeconomic status), which are living together between 11 months and 57 years (M = 14.15, SD = 11.79).  Participants responded to a coping questionnaire (Brief COPE scale, Carver, 1997) with the 14 subscales: selfdistraction, active coping, denial, substance use, use of emotional support, use of instrumental support, behavioural disengagement, venting, positive reframing, planning, humour, acceptance, religion and self-blame. To assess sex differences across aforementioned coping strategies, one-way MANOVA was performed. Results indicated that women used the strategies of selfdistraction, use of emotional support, use of instrumental support, venting, planning and religion to a greater degree than their partners, but this differences have small effects. Obtained results are consistent with the results of recent studies which are suggesting decrease in gender differences, and emphasize the role of social changes and context in the choice of coping strategies. Contrary to the results of previous studies, the obtained results suggest that women use both emotion-focused strategies, and problem-focused coping strategies as frequently as man. Explanations of these findings could potentially be found in the very nature of the sample and the consideration of the situational hypothesis, as well as in the variety of strategies that are considered as emotion-focused strategies. In addition to theoretical, the results of the conducted study have also some practical implications. Because coping strategies in many studies have been identified as predictors of general marital functioning, the examination of various aspects of this construct is extremely important for understanding the marital dynamics and characteristics of a relationship. Since this research identifies both similarities and differences in the frequency of using certain coping strategies, potential sex differences should be considered before planning any intervention or treatment focused on coping with stress, at both the individual and the couple level.


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