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Aniko Novak


In-betwennes, hibridity, heterogeneity are key cathegories in the works of Ottó Tolnai. The cosiness of in-betweennes characterises his opus from the beginning. The lecture's aim is to examine in-between spaces, identities and transgressions in Ottó Tolnai's novel, Szeméremékszerek on the basis of related theoretical works by Michel Foucault, Marc Augé, Andrei Pleşu and Gérard Genette. The analysed novel is connected to the motive of in-betweennes in many aspects. Its action takes place in the boundary zone, the narrative voice and the narrator's identity are in-between. The narrator speaks as Scheherazade, this situation is also in-between. The interrogation reveals that the text universe of Tolnai cannot be forced into predetermined categories or systems, because it is always resisting, constantly moving out, it exists in a kind of intermediate state.


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How to Cite
Novak, A. English English. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 44(2), 227–237. https://doi.org/10.19090/gff.2019.2.227-237


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