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Марио Лигуори
Милан Ајџановић
Павле Секеруш


This paper deals with the entrenched linguistic prejudices which occur both in Italy and Serbia, sometimes even in academic contexts. Our analysis took into account, for instance, the belief that words do not have an effect if they are not written down, according to the Latin principle verba volant, scripta manent. We analysed linguistic stereotypes, myths and prejudices, such as the belief that there are logical and illogical, superior and inferior, beautiful and ugly, easy and difficult to learn languages. Eventually, we examined the discrimination of dialects compared with national languages and discussed the belief that our language is destined to disappear if it is not defended from the influences of foreign languages and cultures.


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Лигуори, М., Ајџановић, М., & Секеруш, П. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE LINGUISTIC PREJUDICE ON ITALIАN AND SERBIAN SPEAKING AREAS. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 45(1), 259–274. https://doi.org/10.19090/gff.2020.1.259-274
Српски језик и лингвистика


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