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This paper sets forth a sense defining model applied in English-Serbian Contrastive Dictionary of Synonyms whose compilation was started at the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad in 2016. The aim of the paper is to explain theoretical and methodological principles of the applied sense defining model as well as its practical aspects emphasizing the cases in which the application of the model has faced certain challenges.
One of the main principles of the model is uniformity of definitions within an entry, which means that they should be formulated according to the same common pattern including the head of the synonym set and its postmodification in the form of a phrase or a clause. Each of these clauses should follow the same common formula of formulation.
However, in rare cases, attaining full explanatiory power of definitions has required modifications of the given principle and the model to a certain extent. The first modification of the established pattern for the formulation of definitions involves the premodification of the head, which is required in certain cases in order to point out the sense component significant for mutual differentiation of synonyms within the given entry. However, the principle of uniformity is still obeyed in these instances since the pattern is modified in the same way in all definitions in an entry.
The other deviation of the set defining model is identified in extensive synonym sets and reflected in variations of the postmodification of the head. There have been identified several types of these variations: the loss of the postmodifying clause, the addition of another postmodifying clause to the already existing one, the introducing of a postmodifying clause formulated according to a different formula and the postomodifying of its object rather than the head itself.
Although the uniformity of definitions within an entry is not complete in the aforementioned cases, it exists to a certain extent due to the fact that all the patterns used within an entry still have the same innermost core so that mutual relatedness of synonyms in a set based on their common basic meaning is clearly recognizable.
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