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The paper explores the everyday life presented in Ranko Marinković's novel Cyclops. Previous studies on this novel have most often focused on emphasizing the uniqueness of the protagonist’s experience and bypassed the commonness of everyday life in which the plot takes place. By insisting on the shift of everyday experiences from the realm of the ordinary to the realm of the unusual world of myths, or by understanding everyday life as carnival time, the meanings of the novel that are more concerned with the micropolitics of the individual as opposed to the macropolitics of the world disappear from the research focus. Distinguishing between places and non-places in contemporary anthropology allows us to discover new meanings of the novel Cyclops which primarily relate to the problematization of the impact of politics on the life of an individual as well opportunities of resistance to these politics. If Cyclops is a swan song of carnival everyday life, it is even more so a farewell for the everyday life that the protagonist experiences in non-places from which he is constantly attempting to run. Supra-modernity that imposes loneliness associated with the fabrication of non-places on the individual is anticipated in the novel in a very convincing way. By placing the protagonist into a world filled with non-places from which it is possible to escape only by accepting its multi-level nature, Marinković’s Cyclops has anticipated our modern woes. The paper concludes that Cyclops, as one of the artistically most valuable novels in Croatian literature, has its place in understanding the present as well, because its relationally constructed spaces are also inhabited by individuals for whom constant escape is the only way of release from fear.
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