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Ružica Seder


The paper deals with expressing causality in French and Italian, from the syntactic and semantic point of view. The research first establishes the inventory of the most frequent means and syntactic procedures by which causality is formalized in French, and then a contrastive method is used to point out similarities and differences that exist in both languages, regarding its way of expression, particularly the structure of subordinating conjunctions. Finally, the analysis of the corpus showed that the observed structures in French usually have the equivalent structures in Italian, but also that there are some classification and structural incongruences between the two observed languages.The French conjunction parce que has two equivalents in Italian (perché and ché/che), although there are some differences regarding their use. It is the same for the French conjunction comme, that has its equivalent in Italian siccome. On the contrary, the French conjunction puisque has a whole range of equivalents in Italian: visto che, dato che, dal momento che. Although in Italian there is no coordinating causal conjunctions, the conjunction car finds its equivalent in Italian perché.


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How to Cite
Seder, R. . (2022). ABOUT SOME MEANS OF EXPRESSION OF CAUSALITY IN FRENCH AND ITALIAN. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 46(3), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.19090/gff.2021.3.55-70
Études linguistiques


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