The Outlines of the narrative method

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Nemanja Mićić


The primary aim of this paper is to outline the so-called “narrative method”, understood as a heuristic device that helps to elucidate and analyze every type of linguistic event. Accordingly, it should be also kept in mind at all times that “an event” for us is comprehended as something that is always bound to language and stories – there is no way out of language or stories. They are the primary constituents of the structure of our reality, as well as the source for understanding something as reality (or fiction). The results of implementing the narrative method on different disciplines and sciences are multiple, even though the basic outcome is essentially connected to elucidating the fundamental narrativity of various language configurations. What also stems from this is the insight that we are always dealing with the pure multiplicity of contingent stories. The first part of the text examines the legitimacy of such a method. It also points out the underlying premises on which the narrative method is set forth. The second part of the text demonstrates some of the examples which can be read as constitutive for profiling thus explicated method of narration.


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How to Cite
Mićić, N. (2022). The Outlines of the narrative method. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 47(1), 285–297.


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