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Željko D. Milanović
Mario Liguori


Previous research into the presence and impact of end of 19th-century positivist science on the non-fictional work and prose of Janko Polić Kamov has shown that the positivist teaching of Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist and anthropologist, is not only profoundly present, both directly and indirectly, but that it has also had a far-reaching impact on Kamov’s choice of topics and relationship towards them. This paper explores the impact of positivist science on the novel Isušena kaljuža by Janko Polić Kamov by reviewing the previous views on Lombroso’s influence, from Vladimir Čerina to our day. By comparing Lombroso’s conclusions on the qualities that may be shared by brilliant people and lunatics with the qualities of the protagonist of the novel Isušena kaljuža, it was concluded that they coincide to a great extent. Kamov’s protagonist uses Lombroso’s conclusions in his lengthy auto-analysis as an object of comparison for his psyche. For the protagonist, the abandonment of auto-analysis and reaching irony as an attitude towards all life and reality also signifies the abandonment of previous poetics. The aim of the research was to examine the previous conclusions on the presence and impact of the teaching of Cesare Lombroso in Kamov’s novel Isušena kaljuža. The analysis of the presence of Lombroso’s ideas, those directly implemented and concealed, on the relationship between genius and madness in the novel to be published posthumously, will show that the influence of the famous founder of criminology as a science, but also the influence of his followers, was encouraging, but did not diminish the aesthetic value of the work.


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How to Cite
Milanović, Željko D., & Liguori, M. (2022). DRYING THE QUAGMIRE THROUGH AUTO-ANALYSIS AND RESHAPING OF POETICS. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 47(1), 157–170. https://doi.org/10.19090/gff.2022.1.157-170
Компаративна књижевност
Author Biography

Mario Liguori, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of philosophy

doc. dr Mario Liguori



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