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The aim of this study was to examine parenting stress and care capacities in families of children with disabilities, differences in relation to families from typical population and structure of relations between dimensions of parenting stress and care quality in families of children with disabilities. The sample consisted of 202 couples of parents of preschool children. In that sample, there was 75 couples of parents of children with disability and 127 couples of parents from typical population. The sample was collected in preschool institutions, on the territory of Vojvodina. Parenting stress was measured by some dimensions from Parenting stress Index (Social isolation, Restriction of role, Sense of competence, Reinforcement given to the parent, Acceptability, Demandingness). Parent investment in child questionnaire (PIC-Parent Investment in Child, Bradley 1997) was used to measure care quality. Results indicate statistically significant differences in stress between the parents of children with disability and parents of typicaly developing children, on following dimensions of parenting stress: Social Isolation (F(1,381)=7.51, p<.01), Restriction of role (F(1,383)=5.14, p<.01), Acceptability (F(1.382)=64.29, p<.01) and Demandingness (F(1,362)=42.53, p<.01) and on overall score on parent investment in child (F(1, 383)= 10.72, p<.01). Structure of relation between dimensions of parenting stress and care quality indicated that there was two parent profiles: (1) the parent who experiences high level of parenting stress in all measured domains and has the most difficulties in accepting the child and parental role and (2) the parent who experiences high level of parenting stress which arises from reinforcement given to parent and acceptabilizy of the child and has compromised capacities for adequate responding to child’s needs and emphasized need to be by child’s side.
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