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Милана Рајић
Ivana Mihić


Enchancing early education quality has become a priority in the field of early childhood development, in recent decade. Many research has beed implemented in order to investigate the factors contributing programme quality. Some of those research, aimed to investigate teachers’ perspective on inclusion of children with disabilities, as they play central role in providing quality. Research often show that teachers don’t feel confedent enough, have low self competence, low motivation for  work and negative attitudes towards children with disabilities. The aim of this study was to investigate sense of competence, motivation for wotk with children with disabilities and the factors contributing these variables- expentances about problems child may have in preschool and contribution of inicial education and training seminars to readiness for work with children with disabilities. The sample consisted from 115 preschool teachers, from Vojvodina. The instrument was developed for the purpose of the broader research. It contained the vignette, with the description of the child with disability, in relation to which participants assesed (1) sense of competence and motivation for work with child with disability, (2) expected problems, child may have in preschool – problems in establishing contacts with peers and social interaction, relying on educator’s support and care, problems in seeing teacher as educator, in emotional response and regulation, and problems in cognitive and speech development, (3) contribution of inicial education and training seminars to readiness for work with children with disabilities. In order to address research questions, we conducted two hierarchical multiple regression analysis. In the first one, dependant variable was sense of competence, and in second, motivation for work. In both models, the first set of predictors contained variables related to expected problems in preschool, and the second set contained variables related to contribution of inicial education and training seminars to readiness for work eith children with disabilities. Results showed that these two sets of predictors significantly contributed to explanation of sense of competence and motivation for work with child with disability, although there was no contributions of individual predictors. The results suggests that preschool teachers have the tendency to form stereotypical presentation of children with disabilities, which can lead to lower motivation and sense of competence in work with them. The results were also discussed in relation to quality of formal and informal education provided to preschool teachers.


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