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Dragana Drobnjak
Snežana Gudurić
Ksenija Šulović


The paper deals with the comparison of French, Spanish and Serbian phrasemes containing the lexeme Fr. tête / Sp. cabeza / Ser. glava that qualify human behavior. In spite of their almost equal number in our corpus (38 French, 37 Spanish and 33 Serbian phrasemes), their structural and semantic diversity is conspicuous, which led to two different approaches to classification and, consequently, resulted in two  groups of phrasemes. The first group consists of items based on conceptual metaphors, and the second of those analyzed by applying the method of semantic decomposition.

Phrasemes based on conceptual metaphors (65) are more numerous than those classified according to the semantic criterion (43).

Most of the phrasemes have a negative connotation and indicate undesirable human behavior or a situation generating such behavior (e.g. fight, break-ups, gossip, betrayal, quarrels, deception, sulkiness, being overburdened with obligations and duties, etc.). Phrasemes with a positive connotation occur in a very small number of cases (e.g. overcoming difficulties, expressing respect, taking pride in something, etc.).


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Drobnjak, D., Gudurić, S., & Šulović, K. FRAZEMI SA SOMATIZMOM GLAVA U FRANCUSKOM, ŠPANSKOM I SRPSKOM JEZIKU Konceptualno polje ʻčovekovo ponašanje᾿. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, 43(2), 165–180.



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