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The paper provides a hindsight analysis of the recently published printed dictionary entitled Novi englesko-srpski rečnik sportskih termina [A New English-Serbian Dictionary of Sports Terms] (Milić–Panić Kavgić, & Kardoš, 2021a) within its theoretical and practical frameworks. The aim is to establish the extent to which the communicative theory (Cabré, 1999), underpinning the Dictionary, matches the principles of the more up-to-date user-oriented and digitally friendly function theory of lexicography (Fuertes-Olivera–Tarp, 2014). The findings of the comparative analysis of the two approaches indicate that the difference primarily lies in the focus placed on standardization with a prescriptive purpose in the former, and user-related situations and needs in the latter. Concerning the practical aspect, the findings of the evaluation process of the Dictionary, applying the critical framework of the function theory, indicate that it meets all requirements except the ones related to Internet technologies, which favor digital media. However, the printed medium has its justification in the fact that Serbian belongs to languages with limited existing corpora, which hampers a more intensive endeavor toward digitalized media. To summarize, the findings of the two analyses suggest that the Dictionary is in tune with the current user-oriented challenges in specialized lexicography.
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