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Appearance of nicknames is a thriving sociolinguistic process with an important historical factor. Our goal was to record the nicknames kept in lively memories of the current settlers of Slovak nationality in Bački Petrovac, Gložan and Kulpin.
The results of our investigation can be summarized as follows: in Bački Petrovac from 181 lastnames we recorded 432 nicknames; in Gložan was recorded 299 nicknames from 101 lastnames, and in Kulpin 94 nicknames from 37 last names. Some branched out families in these Slovak villages have up to 20 nicknames. Even though one-word nicknames are most frequent, we also recorded two-word and also three-word nicknames. There are cases where one person has two nicknames and vice versa – one nickname sometimes relates to a few people. The nicknames giving is often under influence of the Central Slovak dialect spoken in all three villages, as well as under influence of Serbian language as the region’s official language. We also rcorded nicknames given on the basis of other languages’ first names. The majority of nicknames were derived from personal first and last names (in all three villages total 358), then nicknames based on a function, employment, or practice (total 135), based on psycho-physical characteristics and states (87), etc.
Nicknames, in a way, reflect the history of our villages and thus characterize the way of life of people living in certain times and localities with all their local and regional specifics. The Census in Bačka records a longlasting continuous decline in the numbers of Slovak speaking national minority. Therefore, we find that recording of nicknames is an important non-material – cultural and traditional heritage.
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