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The popularity of university ranking system has increased over the years, with the impression that its existence is an imperative in the higher education sphere. Successfully ranked universities are perceived as symbols of national achievement and educational prestige, thereby further enhancing their impact on education policies. This is the reason why each university strives towards a better position on a high-profile ranking list, with the rationale that these actions stimulate the academic community, and strive towards improving the quality of education. Consequentlly, the phenomenon of university ranking became an important representative of the higher education quality. It is argued that the ranking products transparently show the universities' activities by assigning them a certain position on an impartial ranking list. And, striving to improve their position, universities undertake different measures in terms of improving quality. On the other hand, a different understanding of the concept of educational quality, has led to the existence of different designs and purposes concerning ranking projects.
The authors of this paper demonstrate the effects of ranking systems on the organization of higher education institutions. They also present several dilemmas resulting from the different ranking systems' designs. The key questions are related to the issues of objectivity, ranking methodologies, the orientations towards solely scientific and research performances (as opposed to the teaching process), and the favoritism towards technical and natural sciences (as opposed to social sciences and humanities). In other words, higher education is perceived only as a research venture, with few words concerning the issues of teaching, democracy, or solving local and global problems. Several ranking systems are also systematically biased towards universities that are larger and more famous. Furthermore, some ranking lists serve only as means of struggle for an "aristocratic" prestige, reputation, and increased profits. Authors gave several recommendations for improving the ranking process, and for developing awareness of its importance for quality in higher education. In this manner, a development of new ranking methodologies and development of regional ranking systems is often needed an recomended.
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