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The aim of the research is to assess the need for additional training for emergency foster parent, or the improvement of existing ones with the aim of quality care for children. The research used a qualitative approach, focus group discussion, in which advisors for foster care took part. They are employed at The Center for Foster Care and Adoption, Novi Sad. Training for foster parents in our country arises from the trauma and intervention framework, and partly relies on the attachment framework. Treaining for foster parents in other countru arises from zhe attachment framework and social learning theory. From prespective advisors for foster care, topics that are relevant and found in current training are: attachment, children developmental needs, separation and loss and support systems for foster parents. On the other side, topic of the discipline need revised in accordance with current knowledge in this field. Additional topics that aren't currently present, but they are needed for quality care: children's habits, selfcare and preparations for changing family dynamics resulting from leaving a child.
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