The importance of studying school pedagogue’s professional identity
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Professional identity, his structure, and characteristics have been a trending topic in social science research in the past twenty years. Special interest in this area of research lies in the so-called helping professions. The reason for this is the aspiration for improvement, development, and affirmation of these professions. The framework for understanding and studying professional identity is social identity theory, according to which professional identity is part of a broader social identity that answers questions about the contribution and importance that an individual's professional activity has to society, and that is an integral part of the individual's self-concept. Professional identity represents that part of the self which is developed through fulfilling a persons’ professional role and includes professional knowledge and competencies, belief systems and professional values, professional motives and the social status of the profession/professional. In that sense, the profession of the pedagogue, which is also one of the helping professions, represents a very inspiring field for the study of the professional identity construct. Another reason why studying professional identity is relevant for pedagogy as a science is a fact that the pedagogue profession is relatively new and very dependable to changes in society. Accordingly, the structure of professional identity, its components, as well as the indicators that influence its development, depend largely on the context where pedagogue performs his activity. Bearing in mind the specificity of the school context, this paper emphasizes the need to study numerous (both personal and contextual) factors that determine the development of the professional identity of a school pedagogue. The importance and necessity of conducting empirical research on this topic are particularly emphasized, as identifying factors that contribute to the development of a clear professional identity can represent a significant resource for enhancing pedagogues’ practice, and accordingly for improving the practice of the school as an institution.
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