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The aim of this paper is to offer a critical analysis of Englesko-srpski rečnik sportskih termina [Engl. English-Serbian Dictionary of Sports Terms] (Milić, 2006), and Novi englesko-srpski rečnik sportskih termina [Engl. New English-Serbian Dictionary of Sports Terms] (Milić–Panić Kavgić, & Kardoš, 2021a), from the aspect of new lexicographic views and needs of the contemporary user. The paper applies qualitative analysis of both the macro- and micro-structure of the two dictionaries, based on general lexicographic principles, from the aspect of a new lexicographic theory of functions. The overall positive outcome of this analysis, i.e., the fact that the dictionaries, especially the more recent of the two, meet virtually all criteria of the theory of functions, leads to the conclusion that contemporary challenges in lexicography are a matter of priority of the general principles for compiling bilingual specialized dictionaries, rather than their number and interpretation, which is largely the consequence of the changing needs of the contemporary user, as well as the need to use a dictionary in the teaching process of two academic courses – English as a Foreign Language and English for Specific Purposes.
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