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Starting with the premise that continuous professional development should be one of the priorities of the educational policy, this paper points out the need to review, reorganize and improve existing and to develop new methods and forms of professional development of experts in the field of education. One of the methods that can significantly contribute to the improvement of professional competencies of the employees in education and upbringing is supervision. Accordingly, this paper is aimed at reviewing the assumptions of developing supervision in the institutions of formal and informal education. Starting from the definition, characteristics and key functions of supervision, special emphasis was placed on analyzing the potentials of the developmental-integrative model of supervision, as a model that proved to be the most appropriate framework for the efficient and effective supervision in the upbringing and educational field. Other than that, the basic assumptions, necessary conditions and obstacles for the implementation and development supervision in the institutions of formal and informal education were discussed. Before thinking about the implementation of developmental-integrative supervision, it is necessary to create a clear picture of the concept of supervision and its functions on all levels of teaching practice (from educational policy to any individual institution). The emphasis in this process would be to introduce professionals in the upbringing and educational field with the purpose and functions supervision that should not be focused solely on the control and sanction. It is especially important to note the supporting-assisting and teaching function of supervision, and point to the different benefits of supervision. The conclusion is that the supervision, especially developmental-integrative supervision, should be recognized as the preferred method that provides continuity and sustainability in the professional development of the individual, as well as expert support to employees in the upbringing and educational field after they got out of the formal educational system.
Article Details
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